How to Apply
Both prospective and current (V1 and V2) UC Davis DVM students are eligible to apply to the Veterinary Scientist Training Program (VSTP). To be considered a VSTP participant, a student must meet the admission requirements for both the DVM program and the chosen Ph.D. program. A very select group of applicants are chosen for VSTP interviews. During first-round interviews, prospective VSTP students will meet with members of the VSTP Executive Committee, who will evaluate their candidacy for admission into both the School of Veterinary Medicine DVM program and the VSTP program. During second-round interviews, candidates will meet with current VSTP students, members of the VSTP Executive Committee, and potential Ph.D. mentors. Admission to the DVM program is granted by the Admissions Committee of the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM). Admission to the VSTP program is granted by the VSTP Executive Committee and the Dean of SVM. Enrollment in a Ph.D. program requires admission by Graduate Studies and the Ph.D. program selected by the prospective student. The VSTP Executive Committee has formed close liaisons with graduate groups on campus to facilitate and coordinate the admissions process. In general, to be competitive in this highly selective process, successful candidates for the VSTP are those applicants who have demonstrated a higher academic standing than candidates for the individual degree programs.
*Applicants who apply for the VSTP, but do not receive VSTP interviews, will still be considered along with all candidates by the School of Veterinary Medicine Admissions Committee for admission to the DVM program. Candidates that matriculate into the DVM program, and who do not receive a VSTP offer of admission, can reapply in DVM years 1 and 2.
Learn more about the VSTP Fellowship and Curriculum through the links below.