Fellowship Support

Fellowship Support

The School of Veterinary Medicine provides financial and academic support to VSTP students. This support is contingent on maintaining good standing in the program and is assessed yearly by the VSTP Executive Committee. VSTP students in DVM years 1-4 are eligible for NIH NIGMS Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) T32 and NIH NCI T32 awards, with an annual stipend of $28,244. In addition, VSTP students are eligible to apply for competitive SVM Summer STAR Fellowships during V1 and V2 summers. STAR stipends are $8,000/summer. All VSTP students are guaranteed a minimum annual stipend during their professional school years ($25,000 in V1 and V2; $33,000 in V3 and V4), and full professional tuition, fees, and health insurance for the duration of the program. The funding amount for professional school is commensurate with the year the student matriculates (V1, V2, or PhD1), and ranges from 4 to 2 years of professional school funding respectively.

During the Graduate School years, the support is provided by research grants of dissertation mentors, University graduate student fellowships, including the SVM Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), training grants, and other grants. For individual students, mentors may provide additional supplements within University guidelines.

It is a VSTP program requirement that every student applies for a NIH F30 award. NIH F30 awards are highly prestigious and can provide the student financial support during the Ph.D. years, and in some cases, stipend support during V3/V4.